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My Latest Blogs

Mystic Moments
“If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. ” Dolly Parton Sometimes it is hard to accept life on life’s terms. There are so many things we don’t have control of. When bad things

Forging Forward
“You were put on this Earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and do it courageously.” Steve Maraboli There are times in life when it is essential to see our blessings. So often we get

Anger’s Edge
“Anger expressed in a healthy and positive way means that we channel emotional anger towards resolution not attack.” Byron R. Pulsifer When most people think of anger, they think of it as a negative emotion. I think it is

Inner Compass
“Intuition is your soul whispering the truth to your heart and hoping that you hear.” Kate Spencer Buried deep inside us at our core, we have wisdom beyond measure. It is our intuition. Our inner compass. It is the

Life’s Landscapes
“Nature has enough spirit to transform our limited vision.” Rosemary Gladstar Life, like the many landscapes of our planet, has various aspects to it. It can be beautiful and full of wonder and excitement, and it can also be

Turning Point
“The Pain was necessary to know the Truth, but we don’t have to keep the pain alive to keep the Truth alive.” Mark Nepo The journey of self-discovery is no doubt one of the most rewarding, but it can
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Guided by the Light

Hello, I am Dr. Mary Horn
I was born and raised in a small Arizona town on the border to Mexico. I believe our roots are an important part of who we are. Presently, I am a Clinical Psychologist with a private practice in Kaneohe, Hawaii. I have been working in the field of Mental Health for 30 years.
I'd like to share one of my favorite poems with you
Comes The Dawn