Turbulent Times

Living through a Pandemic has been extremely anxiety-producing for many people. It is important for people to understand the difference between a clinical Anxiety Disorder and what we call “having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation”.  Lately, I have had many conversations with people who are feeling scared of the unknown that this Virus has created. My understanding is that the feeling of anxiety is brought on by a person feeling a sense of loss of control.  We all need to feel like we have some control over what happens to us and our loved ones. It does not mean we are “controlling” or “control freaks”. Generally speaking, high functioning people have a type of anxiety. It is what makes us dot our I’s and cross our T’s. It is what drives us to get things done and be successful. So there are forms of anxiety that can actually be helpful to have.

            However, there are Clinical forms of Anxiety Disorders that require medical and/or psychiatric attention. I won’t get into all the Anxiety Disorders and the associated symptoms, but the “rule of thumb” here is that if any condition is interrupting your ability to function (go to work, do the things you love, spend time with people, get out of bed, go places that you used to before) then please seek help from a professional. It takes a stronger person to admit they need assistance than it does to try to pretend everything is fine when it is not.

            During a Pandemic, when we are encouraged to stay home and keep our distance from others, even people with no prior anxiety are reporting high levels. Anytime we face an unknown circumstance that no one has control of, with loss of life or wellbeing as a possible outcome, anxiety is sure to be present. In moments where bad thoughts are flooding your mind or you are feeling overwhelmed by worry, try to get grounded in the moment. Where are you, where are your feet, who is with you, etc? You can try some free apps for a guided meditation to focus your mind on something specific. Get exercise! I can’t stress that enough. Try to make a daily routine to follow if you don’t have one. And most importantly, pray. Go to the sacred place of inner knowing within yourself and breathe in Hope, Peace, and Light…

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