
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

Henry David Thoreau.

Like the cocoon that protects the evolving butterfly, transformation is often preceded by darkness, ruin, or hardship. When we face problems, we also face opportunities to grow and learn. Rather than swim in the pools of fear and struggle, cling to the life raft that is made of Hope and Resilience. There are times in life when we can not see that something good can come from something that feels so bad. That is when we need Faith the most. Always keep in mind that while our life experiences can bring pain, it is in the healing that we often find we have grown in ways we might not have known we needed to.

Some people are masters at seeing the good in everything, but for most of us, it is something we must practice. It is okay if your first reaction to something is a negative emotion like fear, anger, sadness, or frustration, for those are normal emotions. It is what you choose to do after your initial reaction, that becomes impactful. The choice is an important part of the human condition. Choose well. Remember that it is often the small things that in the end, become big. It is okay to know that you are blessed but feel pain or sadness.

Action Item: Take today and notice all the different emotions you can experience in just one day. Think back on times in your life when you thought something was terrible. Can you see any positives that may have arisen from it? Did it get you somewhere you would not have gone or do something you would not have done had that experience not forced you? Practice looking at every situation for any good that can come from it. Hold on to Faith in your darkest moments for it is then that the Resilience within you can and will prevail…

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