Trust in order to Triumph

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.       Maya Angelou

In order to live our best life, we need to be able to trust. It is the cornerstone of all relationships because all love involves risk. We should begin with our trust in God, then ourselves, then our ability to trust others. Someone once told me that the acronym for TRUST is Taking Risks Until the Spirit Triumphs. I think of all the acronyms I have learned, this one is by far my favorite. We have to be willing to take risks and trust that God is the safety net that is there to catch us. Sometimes we allow fear to stifle us and we end up stuck or stagnant. I am not talking about unhealthy, foolish risks that can get us hurt. I am talking about opportunities that present themselves that would enhance or improve our lives, but we are too afraid to go for it.

True faith involves trust and risk. How can I say I have faith if I am not able to trust God with every fiber of my being? I know that things happen in life that cause us to lose our ability to trust. Not only do we lose trust in God and other people, but often, we stop trusting ourselves. We stop believing that there is good in the world or that it is safe to really trust anyone. Sometimes our early life experiences tell us that there is no safe place. When the people who were supposed to protect us and love us, are the very people who hurt us, trust for anyone can become hard to come by. Sometimes we develop our view of the world with that as our baseline.

If that has been the case for you, start there. Heal the wounds that were put there by other people, and look to Divine love and light to help you move forward. In our darkest moments, when we feel the most alone and afraid or hurt, it is God that will walk beside us. Sometimes people blame God or question how God let something bad happen. It is important to remember that we have free will. Bad things can and do happen to good people. It does not mean that God is punishing them. We don’t always know the reasons for things that happen, but It is then that it becomes most important to reach for God to carry us.

Humans are flawed. People let us down and sometimes hurt us. We let ourselves down. Getting centered with our Divine origin can help us overcome the fears we have in trusting ourselves and others. Be open to Divine guidance and the answers you seek will present themselves. While things may not always turn out as we expect or want, we need to have faith that there is always an impetus to be on the path that leads us to where we should be. Surrender what you want and try to be open to what your spiritual path needs to be. Be open to God’s guidance and the light and love will flow freely towards you. Trust that when you do that, good things will follow, even if initially you are not so sure.

Have faith that if there is something you need to know, see, do, or be, that in God’s time it will present itself. When it does, LEAP! Go with God, trust in the Love and Light you deserve.

Take risks so your spirit can triumph!

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